Office drop-in support
We offer drop-in support to assist community members with housing, welfare, and other issues they may be facing

Families & Education
Education project for children age 5 -17 years
Saturdays 10 -2pm
Granby Adult Learning Centre
LAC aims to provide a meaningful learning experience for children age 5 to 17 years. We aim to enable children and young people to develop confidence, self-esteem and the necessary skills and ability to progress through key stages of social, emotional and educational development enabling them to reach their true potential. The education programme is currently delivered on Saturdays (term time only). We do aim to provide educational opportunities for children during school holidays this includes trip and days out. When these opportunities are available we will inform you. For More information and details, please contact us.
Men’s Intergenerational Activities
This group is very popular with local men, fathers and sons who take part in a range of fun and enjoyable activities, chess. Table tennis, board games, cultural storytelling and much more. To find out more contact the centre or call along and join us on Monday evenings.
Research on the Educational Attainment of Yemeni and Somali Children and Young People
Liverpool Arabic Centre (LAC) previously worked in partnership with Liverpool Hope University, Liverpool Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service (EMTAS), the Black and Other Racial Minorities (BRM) Network, and three local schools to commission research on low educational achievement within the Yemeni and Somali communities.
Full report on the Educational Attainment of Yemeni and Somali Secondary School Pupils 2005/06 (English Version) can be downloaded from here
Arabic Language Classes
Come and join our Arabic language classes for age 16+. We offer a range of levels. Our courses run for 10 weeks and you will be offered additional support by phone and email in between the weekly evening classes. For Further details contact Liverpool Arabic Centre.
We can deliver bespoke Arabic Language Classes for companies and organisations for further details contact Liverpool Arabic Centre by email or Phone and ask for Najib Alhakimi.
Arts, Heritage & Culture
Arabic Arts
For children and Young people
Saturdays 10:00 – 2:00 Granby Adult Learning Centre
LAC is passionate about enabling children, young people and Adults of all ethnicities to share and learn about our rich Arabic Culture and heritage. We deliver a range of activities throughout the year including Arabic Music, Singing and Dance we are also proud to enable people to fully participate in the International Award Winning Arab Arts Festival. To find out what we have on offer keep in touch with our News section or like us on Facebook.
Liverpool Arabic Arts Festival
Liverpool Arabic Centre is a founder member and partner in the annual Liverpool Arabic Arts Festival and continues to provide voluntary support to the general delivery of the festival’s activities with a particular focus on promotion and engagement amongst the Arabic community, volunteer recruitment, fundraising and participation / involvement / representation from the Arabic community. This in kind support for the festival has been LAC’s commitment over the past years. Check out the LAAF here.
Community Resources & Advocacy
Information point
Our office is open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday between 10am and 2pm, and Wednesdays between 10am and 4pm. If you are in need of guidance and support in dealing with issues relating to communicating with utility providers, completing forms, need legal advice but not sure who to ask, we a have dedicated Arabic Speaking staff who can offer the support to meet your needs.We provide a range of leaflets and information on local activities and services for all members of the community.
Women’s Mentoring
The women’s support group is now offering ESOL, weekly classes are delivered in the centre and you can learn English which will be relevant to language you need in real life situations.
Forced Marriage
LAC operates as part of a network of organisations providing support and information for individuals who are at risk and or experiencing issues in relation to forced marriage. We offer an information and referral service into organisations who provide expert advice. For more information please contact LAC Senior Manager: Najib Alhakimi YOUR CALL WILL BE TREATED IN STRICT CONFIDENCE.
Supporting integration and community participation
We recognise that taking the first steps to access services and provision in the are can be difficult, especially if you are new to the area and or country. LAC will support you with this, our mentor programme will offer you one to one support and then enable you to link with members of the community who can share positive experiences of taking part in a range of recreational and personal development opportunities. Please contact us we are here to support you.